Sunday, 17 February 2013

Being shy and self conscious:(

Hello, sorry I haven't posted in a while. This post doesn't really have anything to do with beauty, but certain small aspects of it does so I thought I would write a blog post about it.
I, like many people am extremely shy. I have held back from so many good opportunities because of my shyness. Sometimes I really hate it. I get especially shy around new people, or even people I've known for ages, but have rarely spoken too. For example, I'm 14, so I'm still in school, and will be for the next couple of years, I hate having to do any sort of speaking in front of the class, especially if the class has over 20 people in it,which most of mine do. I get extremely nervous, and always go bright red even if I know what I am about to do will be right/good, depending on what I'm doing. I'm not so bad if I have a few people up there with me, but as I'm getting older, for certain GCSE subjects we have to do speeches, for up to 5 minutes, on our own. As anyone else like me could imagine, my worst nightmare. Being this shy could even effect some of my grades!
Also, I'm very self conscious. I've got to a point now that I often feel extremely embarrassed with some aspects of myself. I especially hate non uniform days at school. My family aren't the richest of people, so we have little money to spend on clothes. I often can't wear clothes from shops such as river island or topshop because one clothing item would probably be my whole months allowance gone. Recently at my school we've had three non uniform days in the last month and a bit. You get judged if you wear the same thing twice, I just hate it. Thank god in the uk we wear uniform. I know most American and European schools don't wear a uniform, I would hate school if I went to a non uniform one.
But my personality completely changes when I'm with friends and family, I'm a completely different person. Everybody I'm friends with even say I change. But that's just me, I can't help it. And you know what gets me? When you get a report from your teacher and it says 'Phoebe is a very clever girl, but she is extremely shy and doesn't contribute much to the class.' I HATE it, teachers are basically saying that because you're shy,you aren't doing as well. But that is just MY personality! Yes, I'd love to be able to be confident and answer questions, and be a main part in a play. But I can't, and that's just me!
Recently, I've learnt to accept this, and become more confident with who I am. How dare someone else say if you were louder, you would do better? I can't help with who I am, so deal with it!
However, I am so glad that I chose to take Art and Graphics, I'm in very small classes, mostly with around 10 people, who the majority of them I'm either friends with, or have talked to and got to know them a bit. I'm so much more confident in those classes, and they've helped me get braver over the past six months.
This post was a very deep one, but I just wanted to get my point across, any shy people will understand what I'm saying! Don't be afraid to be shy, it's just who you are and you shouldn't change for anybody.
Thanks for reading, please, if there's anyone who wants some advise, or could even give me some, please comment, or even email me at
Thanks for reading!
Oh, and by the way...

Sunday, 3 February 2013

January Beauty Favourites

Hello, I haven't posted in a while, sorry! I was going to do a nail of the day, but I thought that would be a bit boring as I did that last week. I also was going to show you what I bought from TK Maxx a few weeks ago because I got an absolute bargain, but I've decided to do a January favourites!
I have got my laptop working again, I think the picture quality is okay, the lightings a bit dodgy, sorry! I took this quite early in the morning so there isn't much natural light! I don't have a camera, but my phone has a 10 mega pixel camera, so I think it will be okay!

Nail Polishes:
My two favourite nail polishes this month are Butter London's Fiddlesticks. This is a beautiful dark pink/purple glitter colour, I absolutely love it! My next favourite is one by Ciate. I got this a few years ago at my little sisters primary school fete, and it doesn't have a name on it. It looks like a plum colour, but in some lights is a dark brown shimmery colour, it's a really gorgeous colour for winter!

Lip Products:
My two favourite lip products are Topshops Brighton Rock, this is an almost neon pink colour. I bought this with a Topshop voucher I got as a present for Christmas, and I love it! It's a bit out of season because it's freezing cold winter, but I tone it down a bit with a clear lipgloss over the top. My second favourite lip product is Butter London's lipgloss in Fiddlsticks, it's the same shade as the Butter London nail polish as I bought them in a set. It's a beautiful colour and a very pigmented lipgloss.

Hand Products:
My two favourite hand products (that sounds very weird!) are Nivea's Pure and Natural hand cream, this is a rediscovered favourite, as i've had this for a while and not used it, but now I love it! I especially need a good hand cream for the winter and this is perfect! My second product is Bath and Body works PocketBac in Warm Vanilla Sugar. I love these because they clean your hands, but smell nice, rather then the normal anti-bac gels that smell horrible! Unfortunately, they don't sell these in the UK, so I can only pick them up when I go to America, and I'm not going anytime soon, so I will probably run out, but I have a couple to last me for a while!

My last four things didn't really fit into a category, so I've just put them all together. My first product is the Victoria's Secret Body Mist in Love Spell. On the bottle it describes the scent as cherry blossom and peach. But the reason I bought it was because it smells like one of my favourite drinks, Fanta Fruit Twist! I love it! I bought this right at the end of January, and I've already used loads. It's a mini one because I got it in a Christmas gift set in the sales. I will definitely be repurchasing it!

Second is The Body Shop's peach body butter. I am in love with the smell of this body butter, I love it! I've had it for just over a month and I've nearly finished it all. Definitely another think I will be repurchasing!

Third is Tresemme's salon finish firm hold hairspray. This is a very good hairspray, and really does last all day! This is a mini because I wanted to try it out before I bought the full sized one, and also, I will be repurchasing it when it runs out!

Last, but not least is The Body Shop's tea tree skin cleansing facial wash. This is a very good cleanser, and very cheap! I think it was about £5, and the bottle is big! I just bought this to try it out, and it has made a clear difference with my skin. I've had less breakouts than I normally do, just from using this everyday, I love it!
Anyway, those were my January Beauty Favourites. Please follow my blog, and comment if you liked it!
Follow me on Instagram- phoebe_tyler1
or email me at , I would love to hear from you!