I haven't posted anything for ages recently, I've just been so busy at school with homework and exams and other things. Recently I went on a school trip to Italy for just under a week. We stayed in a tiny little town/village most of the time but on one of the days we took a day trip to Florence. This was really the only place we went to that had any decent shops. Florence looked very similar to somewhere like Cambridge or Covent Garden, just a lot bigger and there was more historic buildings. It was very confusing there, and me and my friend got lost many times looking for certain shops!
Anyway, I really didn't pick up very much, we were there for the whole day but had a tour in the morning, so we only got a few hours to actually shop. The things I did buy, I'm very happy with though.
So, there was a make-up shop we walked past called Kiko. My friend Lucy had heard of it before and said we should go in. It was amazing! It was like mac, but bigger and full of really cheap make-up!
It was like heaven, so I picked up quite a few things. First, I needed a new mascara, as mine is going dry, so I went over to the mascaras and I think most of them were 3 euros 90! I knew I had to get one for that cheap!

I've not used this many times yet, so I can't really give it a fair review, but so far, so good!
Next, I picked up a nail polish, this one is a special one called Sugar Mat. These are a copy of OPI liquid sands. They were 4 euros 90, which compared to an OPI, which is around £11, this is so much cheaper! The texture of the two polishes is identical. And I believe the colour I picked up (which doesn't have a name), is very similar to a blue/purple one they do. The only bad thing I can say is that it chips very easily and quickly, so I would recommend putting top coat just at the tips of your nails, as it won't change the colour, and would make the polish last much longer. I'm so annoyed at myself for not buying more of these because they had so many colours!

Next, I picked up 2 new lipsticks. These were both only 3 euros 90 as well! They also don't have names, which really annoys me as they had about 40 different shades! The one on the right is a brightish pink, with a pearl shine, this is a really pretty colour, but I have only worn it once since I bought it. The one on the left is a much lighter, almost neutral pink. This also has a pearly finish, which I think looks really pretty. I love both these lipsticks, the pigmentation is really good, and they were both so cheap!

So, on the left is a really pretty, very pale pink. I would describe this as the colour of strawberry milk. And on the right is a very glittery dark pink/purple. These a both good nail polishes, but I can't really give them a good enough review because I've only swatched them, I've not properly tried them out yet.
Lastly, now this is a funny story. The day we went to Florence, it was extremely humid. It was at least 20 degrees, and the sun wasn't even out. We had one hour left until we had to get on our coach and leave. We thought this would be a good time to go and hunt down the tiny Sephora we knew that they had in Florence. We had a map, which was very confusing, and we knew the street name that Sephora was on. We literally sprinted there and found the Sephora with a good half an hour to spare. It was so tiny in there, we bought our stuff and left. We then got lost on the way back. We had been running round for a good 15 minutes when we had about 5 minutes left to get to our meeting point, otherwise everyone else on the trip would get home later. So we just legged it. Luckily, my map reading skills had improved since Duke Of Edinburgh. Which by the way, we were 5 hours late because we went East instead of West. We got back with a minute to spare, all hot and bothered, but we were back.

Now, I didn't really need anything in Sephora, but I wanted to buy something as a sort of souvenir (don't ask.) So I just picked up this bubble bath, mainly because of the amazing bottle shape. It was massively overpriced for what it was, but, in all honestly, I just wanted to buy something from Sephora. It's strawberry flavoured and smells pretty good, and it will last me a while (I hope!)
So that's is, my mini Italy haul. I hoped you liked it!
Please comment and follow if you like it! It would really mean a lot to me!
I'm going to try and be posting weekly, but I can't promise anything!
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