Sunday, 6 January 2013

Just a post

Hello again,
Again, I don't think anyone has even looked at this blog yet. But still, I'm just writing a fairly short post about why I have decided to write one. First, makeup is one of my favourite things, so i really wanted to write about it. Second, if you read beauty blogs, or watch beauty YouTube videos, you would have probably heard of Zoella, Sprinkleofglitter and Fleurdeforce. These are my 3 all time favourite beauty YouTubers/bloggers. They have sort of inspired me to start my blog. I would also love to maybe make videos one day, and they started out by writing blogs. I would start making videos, but to be frank I am just really scared that nobody will like them and people would make fun of me. Also, I know a girl who started making them, and everyone is really nice to her face about the videos, but laughs at her behind her back. I would hate that to be me. I'm just a fourteen year old girl who wants to start a beauty blog, so I did.
Anyway, if you've read this please comment, or even follow my blog. I would really appreciate it.
Or, if you would like to get in contact email me-
Thanks for reading!


  1. Bless you, don't worry about what other people think, I guarantee that people will love your blog, just go for it, stick in a few pictures and just so you know you need to ass the follwer bit to your blog so people can follow your blog, add it as a side bar!

    Good luck :)

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



  2. Thank you! I will check out your blog, and I think I have added the follow button? I am really bad with all this blogger stuff, I will try and get to learn how to use it a bit more over the weekend!:)
